Flash Builder 4.5 – Mobile Highlights
Note: The Adobe AIR Launchpad is a great place to start with generating a mobile Flex project you can use as a wrapper for your application. The current version of Adobe AIR Launchpad available is based on Flash Builder Burrito but an updated version will be released when Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5 SDK are officially available to the public in a couple of weeks.
Mobile UI
- Flex 4.5 includes new Spark Application types for mobile including the ViewNavigatorApplication and the TabbedViewNavigatorApplication. The TabbedViewNavigatorApplication would be used for more complex applications that might need several ‘sets’ or stacks of views, each managed by a tab that can be navigated through separately. Note: the naming of these root application tags has changed from the Flash Builder Burrito Preview, from MobileApplication and TabbedMobileApplication.
- A mobile application includes an ActionBar and one or more Views or collections of views.
- In a TabbedViewNavigatorApplication, each set of views will have its own ActionBar and only the tab bar is global to the application as a whole.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> < fx:Declarations > < s:ArrayCollection id = "runsAC" /> </ fx:Declarations > < fx:Script > <![CDATA[ import com.devgirl.runtracker.events.RunListResultEvent; import com.devgirl.runtracker.service.DBService; import com.devgirl.runtracker.dao.DatabaseHelper; protected var dbService:DBService; protected function init():void { DatabaseHelper.openDatabase(File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("RunTracker.db")); } ]]> </ fx:Script > < s:ViewNavigator id = "milesTab" label = "Miles" width = "100%" height = "100%" firstView = "com.devgirl.runtracker.views.MilesView" firstViewData = "{runsAC}" /> < s:ViewNavigator id = "historyTab" label = "History" width = "100%" height = "100%" firstView = "com.devgirl.runtracker.views.HistoryView" firstViewData = "{runsAC}" /> < s:ViewNavigator id = "trendsTab" label = "Trends" width = "100%" height = "100%" firstView = "com.devgirl.runtracker.views.TrendsView" firstViewData = "{runsAC}" /> </ s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication > |
For a ViewNavigatorApplication, you will have one set of views, with the firstView property set on the root application tag as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> </ s:ViewNavigatorApplication > |
The code for the ActionBar would look something like the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < s:navigationContent > < s:Button icon = "@Embed('assets/launchpad_home.png')" click = "navigator.popToFirstView()" /> </ s:navigationContent > < s:actionContent > < s:Button id = "btn" label = "Exit" click = "onExit(event)" /> </ s:actionContent > |
One thing that may be somewhat confusing to developers new to this Flex mobile development is understanding the concept of the navigator property implicit to the ViewNavigatorApplication. A ViewNavigator object is already a property on the ViewNavigatorApplication and is used to navigate between views via the pushView() and popView() methods. For instance, if you view the ActionScript class for ViewNavigatorApplication.as you will see the property listed in it such as below:1 2 3 4 5 | /** * The main view navigator for the application. This component is * responsible for managing the view navigation model for the application. */ public var navigator:ViewNavigator; |
1 | navigator.pushView(viewsMyView,myData); |
Mobile Menus
There is a new Spark ViewMenu component that is implicitly created at runtime when you hit the Menu button on the device. For devices without a Menu button, you can programmatically open it by setting the viewMenuOpen property to true on the main application. It will close when you click outside of the menu, otherwise you can set the viewMenuOpen property to false to close it as well. I have built a sample for this to include in AIR Launchpad and Tour de Flex that will be available soon. The only code you add for this menu is the array of ViewMenuItems, such as:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | < s:viewMenuItems > < s:ViewMenuItem label = "Add" click = "onAdd(event)" /> < s:ViewMenuItem label = "Cancel" click = "onCancel(event)" /> < s:ViewMenuItem label = "Delete" click = "onDelete(event)" /> < s:ViewMenuItem label = "Edit" click = "onEdit(event)" /> < s:ViewMenuItem label = "Search" click = "onSearch(event)" /> </ s:viewMenuItems > |
The menu is then shown at the bottom of the application and is also skinnable.
There is a new Spark BusyIndicator which is a spinning graphic with spokes and has a customizable symbolColor and rotationInterval property. Below is a screenshot of it in a sample coming soon to AIR Launchpad and Tour de Flex!View Transitions
There are 4 types of view transitions that are currently available for use in your mobile application:1) FlipViewTransition – performs a flip of the view as indicated by the FlipViewTransitionMode value (card or cube mode; see API docs for details)….
2) ZoomViewTransition – zooms out existing view or zooms in the new view based on the ZoomViewTransitionMode value (in or out).
3) SlideViewTransition – slides the new view or previous view as indicated by the SlideViewTransitionMode value (push, cover, uncover mode; see API docs for details)….
4) CrossFadeViewTransition – fades out to reveal new view
The default is SlideViewTransition. Note that these are different than the traditional Flex transitions associated with states, and are only used when changing views. You can specify a defaultPushTransition and defaultPopTransition property on the ViewNavigator object, or you can specify a transition to use when you are changing views using them as parameters in the pushView(), popView() methods.
Here is an example of how you might specify a default to use for all transition changes from the root application on a navigator:
1 2 3 4 | ... navigator.defaultPopTransition = new FlipTransition(); navigator.defaultPushTransition = new CrossFadeTransition(); ... |
1 | navigator.pushView(views.SampleView,myData,fadeTrans); |
Handling Resolution
- Flex 4.5 includes a lot of features to help you manage resolution and DPI for your application to target or scale for different devices (phone versus tablet etc).
- You can set an applicationDPI or determine and use the runtimeDPI with new properties available.
- You can select different styles, bitmap image sources and skins to use now based on DPI. Samples of how to do this are coming soon in Tour de Flex, Tour de Mobile Flex and Adobe AIR Launchpad!
You can now use @media rules in your style sheets to filter CSS rules based on the device’s DPI classification. There are two properties you can filter on currently, os-platform and application-dpi. Here’s an example of filtering on them to set a button font for instance (from Adobe’s prerelease docs):
1 2 3 4 | @media (os-platform: "Android") and (application-dpi: 240) { s|Button { fontSize: 10; } |
Persisting Data
- Persisting of data can occur in-memory during the life cycle of your application or between application executions using session persistence.
- Use in-memory persistence to save data when switching views using the data property on a View and passing your data as a parameter to the pushView() method. Note: The data property could be a value object or a model class etc.1
- Use session persistence to save data between application execution by setting the persistNavigatorState property to true on the ViewNavigatorApplication root (or TabbedViewNavigatorApplication root). The data is automatically saved to a local shared object with the name FxAppCache. 123456789
- There are custom persistence options that can be used when you have custom classes to be serialized but that is beyond the scope of this article.
General Important Notes
- The Flash Builder 4.5/Flex 4.5 releases announced today will initially include support for android-based devices (including tablets). However, iOS and Blackberry tablet support will be released in June (rumor has it
- Doing a release build export from Flash Builder of a mobile app will not output a .air file, but instead builds a native installer package (.apk for Android for instance). The beauty of this is that the packagers look and act the same was as a native application it terms of distribution and installation.
- When you install the exported release package to an Android mobile device, if AIR is not installed, the user will be prompted to download it. Note: applications built with an iOS target have the AIR runtime included in the package and therefore there is no need to prompt the user for download when it runs. For Blackberry Playbook targets, the AIR runtime is already integrated into the Blackberry Tablet OS.
- When you are reading documentation, soft keyboard refers to the keyboard that pops up on your mobile device when you click into a control that takes input. It’s important to note that you can programmatically set properties to enable or disable it, as well as handle how the application is resized etc when it pops up. Samples around this to come…
- Scrollbars are hidden in favor of screen space until a mouseDown occurs where a component supports scrolling.
- Favor FXG Graphics in your mobile applications rather than MXML Graphics and use ActionScript skins versus MXML skins.
- Use non-TLF controls for text display, such as TextArea or TextInput over Label. You can use them to display text as you would with a Label and just set editable or selectable to false as desired.
- if you need your application to run on web, desktop and mobile platforms, the recommended approach would be to design a separate user interface targeting the resolution and DPI, but share the same data model between platforms.
Flex Mobile on Adobe Labs
Introducing Flex 4.5
Mobile Development with Flash Builder 4.5
What’s New in Flash Builder 4.5
Flex-Based iPad Trader App
Adobe TV – What’s New in Flash Builder 4.5
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